【イベント/Events】秋葉まつり(仁淀川町)/Akiba Festival in Niyodogawa Town


The Akiba Festival, one of the three big festivals in Kochi, is held annually on February 11th. It is steeped in tradition since the Heian period, is a lively spring festival that brings together the passion of the local people and sees a divine portable shrine parade through the town.
The highlight of the event is “Torige twist“, in which two people 10 meters apart throw , a 7-meter-long cypress stick with a bird’s feather attached to the end, at each other! The moment the bird feathers, weighing up to 8 kg, soar through the air and are successfully caught, spectators cheer loudly.

日時:2月11日(祝) AM8:30~PM3:30 / Date:February 11 (holiday) AM8:30~PM3:30
場所:岩屋神社~秋葉神社周辺 / Location:Iwaya Shrine – Akiba Shrine area
お問合せ:仁淀川町観光協会(0889-35-1333) / Inquiries:Niyodo River Tourist Association (+81 889-35-1333)
(Sorry only in Japanese)

Photo:仁淀川町観光協会HP / Niyodogawa Town Tourism Association HP

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